The Amaru Podcast

Ep#11: How To Cultivate A Culture of Dreaming

Amaru Küng Season 1 Episode 11

Does dreaming come unnaturally to you? Would you like to change that? Following last week's episode where my mama & I talked about the genesis of her dreams, I heard from one of my listeners that dreaming is a new and in some ways unfamiliar concept thing to her.

And so I wanted to unpack for her ways we can learn and/or strengthen the skill of dreaming. This episode shares two ways you too can cultivate a culture, belief in, and spirit of dreaming. ;-)

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With All My Heart,
Amaru Küng

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Hey, welcome back to the amaro podcast, my name is Amaru Küng, and I am the host of this podcast. Hey, if you're a dreamer, a lover of vision builder, welcome, you are in the very, very right place. So, in the last episodes, we've been talking about dreaming. And you know, what's been really interesting is that so last week, the last episode before this one, I hosted my mother and it was a really beautiful conversation that if you haven't listened to, I would, I would advise you to just stop this recording, jump right back, go listen to that conversation. Because my mother is the source and inspiration behind my belief that dreams come true. And so as a Mother's Day special, I thought, what better way to celebrate Mother's Day than to go back to the source for myself, of dreaming and to kind of dig deeper and understand where that came from, for my mother. That episode was really, really insightful for me, because believe it or not, there's a couple of things she shared that I actually had not heard her talk about before. So that was so, so interesting for me. And I just felt so honored to have been able to capture that conversation with her on the podcast. So hey, if you haven't listened, I recommend that you go back. Now, if you've listened, and you're ready to kind of go on with that conversation, I would like to talk about something interesting today. So today's podcast topic, podcast episode topic is actually a response to one of the comments I got from one of the listeners, right, yeah, so one of the listeners of this podcast, after listening to last week's episode with my mom, was just so inspired. And she said to me, she said, hey, you know, I actually did not grow up in an environment of dreaming. And so she felt really challenged by hearing my mom talk about how my mother actually started dreaming from I don't know, when she was super young, because her father planted the seed inside of her that dreams could come true. And this was really interesting, because for myself, having grown up pretty in an environment that cultivated inside of me very, very young, because my mom is a dreamer. And you know, her, her father taught her to dream. And then she taught us to dream, she taught me to dream. And so, to me, dreaming is just, it's like, it's the, it's like breathing. It's honestly dreaming. I'm constantly dreaming a and, and so and so I think I take it for granted. But not everybody comes from that place. And so when this when this listener said to me, Hey, I really enjoyed this conversation conversation so much, especially because I don't really you know, I don't really come from a background of dreaming. So this concept of dreaming is very new to me. And listening to your mom talk was very inspiring to me and challenged me. It made me think about how there might be a couple of other people who listen to this podcast, and I'm constantly talking about how, you know, this is a space for dreamers, Vision builders, lovers. But I don't even know how many of you actually are comfortable with dreaming, or are familiar with the concept of dreaming and, and kind of what whether that's something that comes easily to you or something that you struggle with, it's something that I actually hadn't really considered. And so this is almost going backwards. But in today's episode, I would like to talk about how to cultivate an ecosystem, and a culture of dreaming. So today's episode is, this, this is perfect for you if dreaming is something you struggle with, or if, if it's very new territory for you. And even if you've grown up dreaming much like me, but you're probably going through a season or a phase where you're struggling to to dream. I hope that today's episode can encourage you, and also be a play space that you can come back to even if you're a veteran dreamer, like myself, these are principles that support me and allow me to continue to cultivate a culture and an atmosphere that that cultivates and allows my dreams to thrive. So, first and foremost, what is dreaming? What is this like dreaming we're talking about to begin with? My understanding and the way I envision dreaming is I think dreaming is anticipating having a vision for the future. You know, dreaming, dreaming involves being able to anticipate a reality that different from the reality that you have right now. And why I find this such an important important skill. I'm going to call it a skill because I believes dreaming can be learned. Where fine dreaming is such an important skill is that dreaming allows us to be able to move beyond where we are right now. And allows us to be able to, to improve and better our our circumstances and situations. Because when you're a dreamer, you're somebody that's able to imagine it's you're able to create new realities create new worlds, and vision to picture how things could be. And that's a really, really powerful trait, especially if where you are right now is not where you know that you want to be forever. Or maybe it's not even where you want to be at all. dreaming, dreaming gives us the power to be able to, to first and foremost set goals. Because when you dream, you're you're envisioning something different from what you have right now. And if if you if that if that dream is clear and powerful, it kind of allows us then to be able to map out and start to take steps to getting ourselves to where we envision to the dreams to kind of making those dreams a reality. I'm a dreamer. But I don't just stop at dreaming. I don't believe in just dreaming. So there's a lot of people who just daydream right? Oh, you know, and I think I want to draw the distinction. This podcast is not for people who just want to wishful like Wishful Thinkers. Oh, I wish it was like this. I wish it was like this. People who just kind of talk about what you know what, what they wish, but are not willing to take any steps to making it a reality, or are kind of comfortable with where they are, hey, this is not the place for you. If that's your reality, and if you're perfectly comfortable, just like wishful kind of complaining about the way things are, but not really willing to do anything about changing it. Stop right here, goodbye. This is not the place for you. Because everything I want to do on this podcast is to challenge you inspire you, motivate you, give you that kick in the butt, give you that squeeze whatever it takes gives you that hold your hand, whatever it takes, to give you the courage to give you the fire to light that fire inside of you to take steps to move towards building the life of your dreams. So dreaming and dreaming is it takes proactivity right? So dreaming is is envisioning it's, it's beholding it's creating and being able to see, to see something that isn't yet. But to see it as though it was. And I think why vision and dreams are so so powerful is when you can see it, then you can create it. I really, really believe that. So so let's let's go into what I'm going to talk about talk about today. How do we cultivate a culture, an atmosphere, an atmosphere, an ecosystem of dreaming? How do we create that? How do we make how do we make ourselves dreamers? How do we become dreamers? I'm going to share with you two ways that we can cultivate an atmosphere and just how we can normalize, normalize, cultivate this atmosphere, this this this this spirit of dreaming. One of them is surrounding ourselves with dreamers. You guys, dreaming is contagious. That's why I said hey, if you don't want to dream in the sense of like being being an active dream builder, just stop because if you keep listening, you're going to be it's you're going to catch it's a COVID you will catch it. If you're around people who are dreaming. It's it's only a matter of time until you will start to catch that bug. Especially if it's dreamers who actually are take active dream builders. If you surround yourself with people who are not just comfortable with where they are, you will catch that bug I can promise you in last week's episode, just my mom at the age of I don't know 678 sitting with her father sitting at the at the foot of her father. You know just like sitting on the veranda looking at the stars looking at the sky and him pointing and saying, Hey, Lily, one day you will fly British Airways. He planted the seed inside of my mother deep in the village in Gulu. Far, far, far away from that reality. He planted a seed because my grandfather, my late grandfather was a dreamer. He was a dreamer. So my mom that the time that she spent with him, planted inside of her the seed of dreaming. That is so important. I noticed this in my own life. No, I grew up with my mom who was just a wild dreamer. And she planted those seeds inside of me as well. But I have to tell you, in my lifetime and seasons of my life When I have spent less time with other dreamers and fellow dream builders, I have caught myself starting to become a quote unquote realist kind of be like, ah, you know, I don't know, maybe things don't work out. Honestly, it's so interesting because dreaming is such a big part of my identity. But I can tell you, there's been seasons of my life, where I felt I had less faith in in the possibility that dreams could come true. And when I look at those seasons, I realized one common thread between those seasons when I've had a dip in my faith in dreams, and my drive for Dream building, I realize it's been because I was not surrounded by other dreamers, and other dream builders. So hey, number one, I'm going to keep coming back to this community is so important people, people, people, find other dreamers find other fellow Dreamers. And if you cannot find them, hey, this space, this podcast, this is for you, every single week, I will be talking about something that's related to dream building. Because this is a space where I'd like to, like this is basically an incubator, a virtual incubator for dreamers and dream builders. So hey, find a community, surround yourself with people make sure you're planting mix, make sure you're, you're planting seeds of dreaming and dream building inside of you seeds of believing in dreams. And there's so many ways you can do that. It's by listening to podcasts that that, cultivate, encourage and inspire dreams inside of you. It's by talking and spending time with other dreamers, whether it's in person, go visit them, do you have people in your life, who will have big dreams, make sure you hang out around them. Just it's, this is so so important. Because this will also influence how big or small your dreams are. This this is, oh, gosh, I could say so much about this. You're only you're only going to dream as big as, as as big as your exposure allows you. If you only know 1000 dares, I can promise you, it's going to be so difficult for you to if you only know and and have only heard of or, or been exposed to 1000 There's people who have 1000s this the idea of million million million net millionaire ship. Can I say that the idea of becoming a millionaire or billionaire will just feel so so so far within your reach. Because all you know is the 1000s or so it's so so important, the more you spend time around people, people with big dreams, you guys. Oh my word, it's, you're gonna catch that bug. And that's so so important. Because it will influence how far you can go and how high you can shoot. So people, people, people. So tip number two. So tip number one, I would say is the people right? And then tip number two is action. Action. How do I how do I explain this. So if you want to become a dreamer, if you want to cultivate, cultivate a culture inside of you, around you, a spirit deep inside of you of dreaming. It's so important that you start to start dreaming and start to act on your dreams. Remember, we're talking about active dream building. That's so important. Dream, just do it. Have a small dream. And then work towards that dream. Do all the things that you know how to do seek mentorship and support to to achieve that dream. That dream could be anything your dream could be to write a book, get let's say your dream is to write a book. Maybe your dream is to become a best selling author. What are steps you can take right now? One step. So last year, I wrote I wrote an ebook, self published, it's so easy these days that you know, so it's not a best selling book yet, or I didn't become a best selling author. But I wrote a book, right? That was step number one have other dreams beyond that. But because it was this dream for me, I thought to myself, If only I could write a book about my pregnancy and have it ready by Mother's Day, that's a small dream, right? And so I set very low bars for myself. It didn't have to be a 500 page book. But I said, Hey, I'm going to write a book. And I have to tell you doing that, writing that book, or finishing that book, publishing that book, making it available, advertising that book, having people download that book, it did something to me, that dream came true. Now my dream has grown. This was an ebook, right? I was like I forgot on your rights and ebook. Been there done that. Now I believe dreams can come to my next dream. I'm going to I'm actually going to write I'm going to write and publish a book I'm going to create a print version of either this book or a book Have some that's I mean, that's a smaller dream, actually have another app gotta have bigger dreams around publishing now. And those dreams feel so within my reach because I achieved one of the dreams. So if you want to if you want to cultivate a culture of dreaming, I want to challenge you to dream dream, a small, tiny dream and make it come true. make it come true. Take the steps, that might be a dream that you can accomplish by yourself, maybe a dream that you need somebody's help with. But I would just say just doing one small, tiny dream. What that means is envision something imagine. So look at your life right now and be like, ah, it would be nice for XYZ to happen. Okay, now make it happen. Write it down. First of all, write it down, and then make it happen. Come back to where you wrote it, cross it off that list. This little actions of watching dreams come true. Those actions are so powerful because they instill faith inside of us and belief and trust that dreams can come true. And as we create more and more experiences with ourselves, of watching dreams come true of turning our dreams into reality, the more faith we cultivate into inside of ourselves and courage to be able to dream even bigger dreams, and therefore make those dreams come true. Right now, you guys, the dreams I have are so so so big. There are dreams that I need. I need. I need other people I need people I haven't met yet to make those dreams come true. But you know why I have so much confidence around that. It's because I've seen other dreams dreams that initially felt so big. I've seen them come true. But it didn't always start with a big dream started with a small dreams. And so I don't know what that looks like for you. I don't know what dreams are on your hearts. But I want to challenge you. As you listen to this podcast episode with What dreams do you have? What are your dreams, write them down. I really highly encourage that you create a dream book. So when I when I lived in New York, as a student, I bought this book, I have it with me right now. It's one of my most prized possessions. But in this book, I wrote out my dreams. You know, it was dreams, like, oh, I want to organize an event. Gosh, I've organized so many events by now. But back then it was this big dream, you know, and I didn't just stop dreaming Oh, it would be nice to organize an event. I wrote. Okay, so what would happen during the event, you know, it's so important for your dreams to be specific. Dream that dream, write it down. And then, you know, focus closer, as a lender come to come to like a close up. What does that look like? So an event? What happens at the event? Who comes to it? How long is the event? Where does it happen? What is the objective of the event? What kind of people attend? How do they feel after the event? How often does the event happen? What would it take to in order all these details, I wrote them down. I had so many dreams in there. One of the dreams in my dream book was my wedding. I dreamt off of marrying the love of my life. I was so single at that time, you guys. But I had this dream of what my wedding would look like. And I sketched out what my guy would look like, you know my husband, what he would look like I mean, I'm not an artist, right? I'm not I'm not like an amazing sketch artist. So it's not the finest piece of art. But you know, it was my book, you know, so I could do whatever I wanted in this dream book. Basically, I dreamed for different parts of my life. And a lot of those dreams came true. I'm married now I've been married for for three years and counting coming to four years. Beautiful, beautiful. Mmm now in the in the fourth year of marriage, is that true? 2019 Yeah. Okay, so I've been married for three years. Now it's coming to the fourth year of my of my marriage. And what's interesting about that actually, the the sketch that I drew of what my husband would look like so except for my husband having an afro, which in the end ended up not marrying. I ended up not marrying marrying marrying somebody with an afro so so that that's a difference. And in the picture of what I sketched maybe actually I'll take a picture of this post on my Instagram so you see what I mean. But actually sketch what my husband would look like. And I mean, it's just sketch my wedding and in their sketch my husband and but when I actually looked at it, look at it as sketched a guy with a bowtie, my husband actually we got married with him in a bowtie. Not even planned, but it's a funny coincidence, but it's so funny to me. You know, so I sketch he had this pants, I think the trousers were folded. And my husband I think, I think he folded his I mean, I mean, there's no details right? I have to go back and look at our wedding, our wedding picture, but it's so funny. Those are the small details. So that came true. Back then I was so single you guys so so single. And it was so important to me to marry this love of my life and my husband in so many ways. Check So a lot of the boxes I envisioned and so much more. But that all started with a dream. So I mean, it took so long for that dream to come true. But I can go back to that to that dream book and smile because check dream dream came true. And and events, you know. So back then envision organizing fashion shows, that hasn't happened yet. I have not gotten I don't think I've organized the fashion show yet. But the idea behind it a you know, the idea behind it, I'll tell you more about this. But the idea behind the event, I watched an event where women came in, they felt beautiful. Right now I'm building and building a community with a moment circle. And just today, at the time of this recording, I organized a third event, no fourth event, actually for the moment circle. And, and it was the second virtual event. So our fourth ever event, second virtual second virtual event, and third event of this year. And it's empowering women, you know. So at the core of it, it's actually the same things happening. Basically, at the core of this idea of your beautiful that the dream I had back then organizing events, that that empowered women and supported them and made them feel beautiful and confident. I wanted women to feel confident to rise to their value to have a sense of purpose. I'm doing that right now through the podcast I'm doing right now. Right, right now, through the community and the peer support, I'm cultivating to the moment circle, and I'm doing it to my personal brand coaching. And so, at the heart of it the dream, the dream is alive a lot, that dream has come true. And now my dreams are so much bigger than that. But all of this part of why I so deeply believe in the validity of dreams and that dreams can come true is because I've seen them happen. I've built experiences with dreams coming true. And that would not have happened if I didn't dream my first dreams. So I want to challenge you to stop and dream. Just dream. And as your dream. Don't just let it be a dream in your head. Write it down, write down your dreams, sketch out your dreams, whatever that looks like for you type them out. But document your dreams, put a date on it. And once you do that, write out some steps of how you can make that dream come true. And maybe in a future episode, I'll talk a bit more about how you can do that. But I just I just wanted to really just talk in this in this podcast episode about how you can cultivate an atmosphere a culture of dreaming. Hey, I hope you enjoyed this podcast. I really would love to hear back from you. I'd love to hear your thoughts, your takeaways, what spoke to you kind of what's working for you? Is there anything you'd love to hear? Hear me talk more about? Let me know over on my Instagram. In the podcast description, you'll find a link to my Instagram, go over there send me a direct message. I really, really would love to hear from you. And if you've listened this far, you know how much it means to me that you just pause, stop, rate review, follow subscribe to this podcast. It does so so so much to me. It gives me so so much value when you do that because it allows other people to be able to find this podcast, which is so important and supporting me accomplish the vision of this podcast of supporting other dreamers, Vision builders and lovers to get past their insecurities, the fears the obstacles that stand in the way of where they are right now. And where they know deep inside they're called to be. So hey, please partner with me. I would appreciate that so much. If you partnered with me on accomplishing the vision of this podcast, by rating subscribing, follow wherever you listen to this, send me a message you know, send me a message. Let me know what you've got from this podcast. I would love to hear back from you. Until next time with all of my heart

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