The Amaru Podcast
Are unspoken insecurities, fear and self-doubt holding you back from living your best life? Are you ready to cut the crap and get 100% honest with yourself? Will you dare to have the tough, vulnerable and uncomfortable conversations about what's really stopping you from being the person you know you're called to be? This podcast by Zürich based Ugandan first-time-mama, Award-winning Performing Artist & Ex- Scaredy Cat -turned- Confidence Coach, Amaru Küng will give you the kick in the pants, hand holding and courage you need to build the life of your dreams!
33 episodes
Ep.#33: Uncovering Your Personal Happiness Thieves: A Journey of Self-Discovery
What's stealing *your* happiness? Today, we'll tackle those sneaky thieves of happiness that might be lurking in the shadows of your life. We're all unique, and what brings joy to one person may be different for another. Our backg...
Season 3
Episode 33

Ep.#32 My #3 Thief of Happiness: The Struggle with Expectations
Ever expected a certain reaction from someone and felt disappointed when it didn't happen? That's what we're delving into on this episode of The Amaru Podcast.This episode is a deep-dive into the dynamics of how expectations from others...
Season 3
Episode 32

Ep. #31: Setting Unrealistic Goals -My #2 Thief of Happiness)
In this episode, I reveal another huge thief of my personal happiness.. 😭Does this resonate? I’d love to hear from you here !😘With All My Heart,Amaru Küng😘💐
Season 3
Episode 31

Ep.#30: On People Pleasing- My #1Thief of Happiness
In this week’s episode, I unpack what I’ve observed to be one of the biggest thieves of happiness in my life: People Pleasing! Did you already listen to the episode? I’d love to hear form you on
Season 3
Episode 30

Ep.#29: Definition of Happiness & It’s Benefits 😅
Kicking off Season 3, in its first episode, I share some of my discoveries from Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky (one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of positive psychology)’s research on Happiness to explore:Why ...
Season 3
Episode 29

Ep. #28: Focus for 2023 & Intro to the Pursuit of Happiness
IT'S HEREEEE! The end of season 2! In this week's episode, I introduce one the main goals for my 2023, and also the topic that will be Season 3's focus: HAPPINESS! Im curious to hear about what your focus is for 2023, so please let me k...
Season 2
Episode 28

Ep #27: My 3 Biggest Mistakes from 2022
In this episode I share 3 HUGE MISTAKES I made in 2022 (& what things I'm being intentional about doing differently in 2023) Listen if you'd like to set yourself up for:More happiness & joy in 2023More ...

Ep #26: My 3 Biggest Lessons from 2022
In this return episode after a sudden break, I share 3 big lessons from what was arguably the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE YET!! Listen to learn exactly what lessons helped me:EARN MORE than I ever have in my life!GR...
Season 2
Episode 26

Ep.#25: 3 Powerful Tools for Cultivating Self Kindness
In this week's episode, I dive deep into my favorite 3 tools for cultivating radical self kindness!This will change your life if you currently often:Feel like you're your worst enemyAre your harshest critic...
Season 2
Episode 25

Ep.#24: Peeling Back Layers of Self Cruelty: Intro to Learning to Be Kind(er) to Myself
Are you nearing burnout? Do you feel yourself slowly crashing? Do you struggle with toxic productivity and a constant need to get on to the next thing? If so, you're in great company.. I'm just coming out of exactly that...
Season 2
Episode 24

Ep.#23: Becoming Your Own Biggest Cheerleader
In this week's episode, I share my most valuable key in building my confidence in being able to challenge the fears and insecurities in my mind.Listen if you:Struggle with believing in yourselfOften doubt your capab...
Season 2
Episode 23

Ep.#22: Making Fear Your Friend (Listen If You're Feeling Scared)
In this episode, I dive into the core of what fear really is and how it can turn from something that cripples us to something that catapults us forward ;-)Listen if you currently:Feel stuck because of fearOft...
Season 2
Episode 22

Ep.#21: My August Review: Lessons On Goal Setting
In this week's episode, I reflect on my main goal (finishing B.2 level German) in the month of August and share lessons & personal reflections around:Goal Setting & Flexibility to Make Adjustments Where/When NeededT...
Season 2
Episode 21

Ep.#20: Taking My Power Back (Behind the Scenes of Why I Shaved My Head)
In this week's episode, I go into the history of my previously signature look: The Rainbow Braids & the thought process into why I decided to cut off the braids and shave my whole head off.You can see the video of how I did this
Season 2
Episode 20

Ep.#19: Not Feeling Beautiful (Enough) 😔
Do you ever feel like certain things are reserved for more beautiful people? Do you think that not being beautiful (enough) is stopping you from living out your purpose? Do you feel like your looks are an obstacle for you achieving your...
Season 2
Episode 19

Ep#18: 👠👗👛 Fashion As A Weapon with Rebecca Nanjego
Explore the story of Rebecca Nanjego, a multi-passionate entrepreneur, podcaster (host of The Connectivitea Podcast) , founder...
Season 2
Episode 18

Ep #17: My Plans, Priorities & Prayers for August
Are you a planner? Do you map out points of focus for your months and seasons of your life? In this week’s episode, recorded up in the mountains, I share unedited reflections and a bit of my plans and priorities for the month of August....
Season 2
Episode 17

Ep#16: Dealing with the Inner Voices of Inadequacy & Unworthiness
In this episode, I talk about my recent realizations about my insecurities and share an additional tip I've found helpful in combatting my feelings of inadequacy, as well as returning imposter syndrome..I would love to hear your thought...
Season 2
Episode 16

Ep#14: Intro to Reflections on Death & Dreams
In this bonus episode, I prep my listeners for a conversation coming up on Death & Dreams, by sharing my personal thoughts on this discussion. I'd love to know your thoughts over on my
Season 2
Episode 14

Ep#13: Gems From My Social Media Break & Welcome to Season Two!
Wanna know what things pre-baby Amaru did that post-baby Amaru won’t be doing anymore?And no, it’s not sex 😋😂! Hey my sweet loves! I missed you so much & I’m excited to be back!! In this season 2 welcome, I I share 2 BIG LIG...
Season 2
Episode 13

Ep#15: Dreaming With A Death Sentence feat. Mugabi Byenkya
If you knew that your time on earth was up, what would you do? In this episode, I speak to Mugabi Byenkya, an award-winning writer, poet, and rapper about how he turned his life around after a near-death experience.He s...
Season 2
Episode 15

Ep#12: Lessons from One Season of Podcasting & What To Expect in Season Two!
In the Season Finale episode of Season One, I share 3 tips for aspiring Podcasters, based on my learnings from creating and recording one full season of podcasts over 3 months.I give you a preview into what you can exp...
Season 1
Episode 12

Ep#11: How To Cultivate A Culture of Dreaming
Does dreaming come unnaturally to you? Would you like to change that? Following last week's episode where my mama & I talked about the genesis of her dreams, I heard from one of my listeners that dreaming is a new and in some ways unfamilia...
Season 1
Episode 11

Ep#10: Mama & I Talk About Dreaming: A Mother's Day Special
Have you ever wondered why I so deeply believe that dreams come true? In this Mother's Day special episode, I take y'all back to my source- in a chat with my mom- the biggest dreamer I know, and the sower of the dreamer seed inside me.I...
Season 1
Episode 10

Ep#9: Dealing with Jealousy & Feelings of Envy
Do you struggle with feeling jealous of others? Are you ashamed of admitting this to yourself? I'd like to propose to you that facing your envy of others is a major key to unlocking a happier and progressive life on your journey to ...
Season 1
Episode 9