The Amaru Podcast
Are unspoken insecurities, fear and self-doubt holding you back from living your best life? Are you ready to cut the crap and get 100% honest with yourself? Will you dare to have the tough, vulnerable and uncomfortable conversations about what's really stopping you from being the person you know you're called to be? This podcast by Zürich based Ugandan first-time-mama, Award-winning Performing Artist & Ex- Scaredy Cat -turned- Confidence Coach, Amaru Küng will give you the kick in the pants, hand holding and courage you need to build the life of your dreams!
The Amaru Podcast
Ep#12: Lessons from One Season of Podcasting & What To Expect in Season Two!
In the Season Finale episode of Season One,
- I share 3 tips for aspiring Podcasters, based on my learnings from creating and recording one full season of podcasts over 3 months.
- I give you a preview into what you can expect in Season Two of The Amaru Podcast!
To make recommendations, share feedback or just have some private conversations with me, get in touch here on my Instagram ;)
I can't wait to hear from you!
With All My Heart,
Amaru Küng
I'd LOVE to Connect with you:
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Amaru Küng (Instagram)
Amaru Küng (Linkedin)
Hey, welcome back to the Amaru Podcast. I'm so excited about today's episode because guess what? Today's episode is the last episode of season one of this podcast. That is a huge deal. That means that we've made it through three months of doing this podcast 12 episodes, today's the 12th episode. And I'm just so stoked, so excited for what lies ahead. This episode, this season has just involved so much learning for me. It's been a huge, huge, huge win, just to be able to get past that first hurdle of getting started, something I talked about in earlier episodes I talked about, you can check that out if that's something you struggle with. I was so I really enjoyed that conversation on why you should get started. That was Episodes Episode number four, it was just scrolling down to see which episode it's amazing to be able to have to look back because there's been quite some episodes now. And that's an honor. Thank you so much for following me on this journey. Thank you so much for just walking this path together for all of the feedback that you've given. Because that feedback has informed that episodes that have come up. As you may have noticed, really this in season one, it was really a recorded one episode each week and based on conversations I had with you, and then rolled out the next episode, and it was really amazing kind of walking it step by step with you. And I've learned so many things along the way. And today's episode, which is the last episode of season one, I would like to share with you some lessons I've learned from from recording from starting and recording my podcast. And this is really important because I know that there's a couple of listeners of this episode of this of this podcast, who actually have dreams in their own hearts of starting their own podcasts. And so in today's episode, I would like to just share some learnings with you from this last season of recording this podcast. And then after that, I would like to let you know what's going to be happening in coming in season two of the amaro podcast. It's so exciting. I can't believe I'm talking about season two. But that's what's happening. I'm so stoked. I cannot wait to tell you all about it. So first things first lessons from one whole season of running a podcasts. Lesson number one my loves is you just have to start. I feel like a broken record here. But seriously, you need to get started. If you feel it in your heart that you want to start a podcast. I can't tell you anything more profound than just do it. Get started. And around getting started. One thing that really, really helped me in starting this podcast was using what I had. So I used my phone episode number one was actually recorded on my phone. And believe it or not, when I started actually thought I would record all of season one on my phone. And that was that was a result I had to kind of come to that that was a decision I had to make for myself to kind of take away the pressure and all the insecurities. I was battling around the technicalities of oh my gosh, how do I do this? And so, at first, you know I had a mic. This is something I shared on my Instagram. If you follow me there is I bought a podcast mic the one I'm recording this episode on. I bought it almost I bought it two years ago. So over two years ago, I wanted to say almost three years. But yeah, about two and a half years ago, I bought a podcast mic with the purpose of starting my podcast. But then, you know, lots of reasons, lots of insecurities around around this, including insecurities around oh my gosh, what are the technicalities around using this mic? All these things stopped me from actually starting the podcast. So in 2022 at the beginning of this year, when I knew deep in my heart that one of my biggest one of my biggest messages and just a strong gut feeling I had for this year was I wanted to use my voice more. And one of the clear clear messages for me was started that podcast. Once I knew that I knew that I was not going to let anything let alone technicalities stopped me from doing it. So I looked up I looked up some I looked up how do you start a podcast and can you do it on on your phone? Because I've been having you know, if you're if you're in my close circle, you know I send a lot of voice notes. And the feedback I got from one of my friends was yo like you're you're you have such a great voice like listen into your your voice notes feels a bit like listening to a podcast. And when I heard that I kind of made a note to self like, wait a minute, so I actually could just do this on my phone, right? Like a podcast is basically a message and voice format period. Like when you take away all of the when you take away all of all of that all of this the sparks and and and all the glam. That really is what it is. It's like a blog is a message and written format, period. Like it's not that complicated when you really think about it. So when I kind of stripped it of all of the glamour and all of the all of the things that needed feel without feel outside of my reach, I realized, hey, it's just like the voice notes I sent every single day, except for it would live on, you know, Apple, Google, podcasts and Spotify and all of these places that hosts podcasts. And so I think once I once I deconstructed this, this this, this, this myth, and this huge thing of like, oh, my gosh, was I took the podcast off the pedestal and just stripped it down to its its most simple format, which is hates just voice messages. I thought to myself, do it in my phone. Let me just start with let me start with it on my phone. And so that was one way that I was able to, to get rid of that hurdle that I had was I just started with what I had I started on my phone, I got away from all the things that I knew would intimidate me. And so I just did it on my phone. So how can you do that? Basically, the way you can start your podcast on your phone, is download an app on your phone that records a voice memos. That's all you need a voice recording thing on your phone. If you have an iPhone, you know that your phone comes with one already. That's what I use. I use the Voice Memos app on my phone that came with a phone, I didn't have to do anything special. I don't know about Android, but I believe it can be complicated. Honestly, if your phone doesn't come with a voice recording app, just go to the App Store, go to the Google Play Store. Just look for look for a voice recording. App, Google, Google is your friend, just Google. What do I do? Like how do I record a podcast on my phone? I bet you you're gonna find lots of resources, you'll find YouTube videos, you'll find articles you'll find so much out there. So get started, get started. Tip number one, start with what you have. And then tip number two, is I bypassed all of the things that I bypassed all of the things that intimidated me so much. How do I how do I explain this? I talked about this a little bit actually in in an episode I think the episode and getting started but one of the one of the podcasts episodes, you might remember this but it's worth bringing back up is. So a lot of podcasts have an intro that tells you what the podcast is about. And they have this even a trailer you know, like this is certain things that most podcasts have. When I was starting my podcast, I didn't have that I didn't really know what I wanted my podcast to be about forever. I wasn't sure. And so if you listen, just go back and study this podcast, if you listen. Or we just started by talking about what on my heart, I felt just the most pressing issue on my heart at the time, which for me was kind of this this elephant in the room for me. This this this source of a lot of shame was was my music career and how I feel like I blew it. And so I started talking about what I thought was my biggest obstacle with that. And I have to tell you, after I after I released that is still my most listened to episode by the way. It's gotten such great feedback, I even go back to listen to it and feel some type of way when I listened to that episode. And that episode was recorded on my phone. That episode just told what for me it was a life story, you know, something that I lived experience. And and that was that to date is still the most powerful episode I've recorded. So I would say that bypass the things that are intimidating you. For me. It's only after I recorded that episode that I got clarity that hey, actually, I want my podcast to focus on supporting dreamers, lovers, Vision builders to get past their insecurities, fears, obstacles that stand between where they are right now. And where they know deep inside they're called to be. That's that's something that only became clear to me after I recorded episode one. And I'm not even sure if I had that already when I recorded Episode Two that clarity around the mission and the purpose of this podcast. But I know that to be able to have arrived at it I needed to give myself permission to not already know what it was going to be when I started. So lesson number two, if you're looking to start your own podcast and you're anything like I was When I was starting this journey, if you're not sure about what you want it to be about, hey, just bypass the stuff that intimidates you. If it's an intial, bypass it, just get started. Give yourself permission to grow along the journey. And I think what also helps me was being transparent about my journey. So over on my Instagram stories I talked about, I talked about wanting to do this podcast, I talked about the struggles around race to the podcast, I asked people, hey, if I do it, will you listen, I think that transparency for me in the journey allowed me to like, let go of any, any high pressures, I would have put on myself about how perfect the podcast needed to be. Knowing that it's a conversation that had with my community, and having the sense of validation, as well as a sense of support from people who said, hey, I'll listen to your podcast, in my case, which was something that was important for me. Because I had that already, it took away that pressure. So hey, three things. I think that's, that's three tips too many, I just really want you to take action. So I'm not gonna give you a whole book of rules, a whole book of tips, hey, just with his three tips, I hope that you can just get started. If you're feeling held back by your by your by your insecurities, or if you're just feeling held back, by whatever reason is held back from starting your podcast. Hey, just just do it. Step one, just get started. Just do it, to bypass any of the obstacles that that you feel like will get in the way of Yeah, the obstacles if you feel like, oh, you know, I need to have I need to have a podcast description. I don't know what it is, bypass it, what would it look like, if you didn't have that, you know, there's always a way around it, I think where there's a will, there's a way. And so if you really want to do it, explore one of the things that are stopping you, and then find your way around those things. In my case, you might just skip it altogether. Or find somebody to do it for you, you know, if it's really important to you that you have somebody you have you have a podcast description, hire a coach work with somebody, there's so many coaches who will support you on getting clarity around the vision, the purpose, the mission of your podcast. So hire somebody, if you really want to have that done, hire somebody to help you do it, or hire somebody to do it for you. But don't let don't don't let that obstacle stop you from actually doing it. And then the last thing was transparency with your journey. I think that when we don't, when we try and like when we're not honest with ourselves and our people about our journeys, often it can lead into this lead to this thing where we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves. Because all of a sudden, there you are thinking that you need to have this world class, I don't know this insane standard that you set up for yourself, because you think people are expecting it of you. And yet, if you just weren't transparent with your community, and that doesn't even have to be your Instagram, following or following on whatever plan or social media platform you're using. It could be your friends, your family, you know, really ask them Hey, do you think, you know, this is where I'm at? I want to start the stream. But I don't have this. Do you think you know, would you still support me? If you're a recovering people pleaser like I am. That's something that might be really important to you, you know, if you're a recovering perfectionist, it might be if you're somebody who cares about the way you're perceived that might be a really important piece in your puzzle are really important parts of your journey to know that you have support of certain people to kind of have have have that validation might be important to you. And so if that's important to you stop trying to pretend that it's not just make sure that you've crossed those costs across those those things off your list, check those boxes. In my case, I literally asked my Instagram community, I was like, Hey, I'm going to start this podcast. And who would listen? And then the other thing I asked my community was, I think the tech is freaking me out and we just do it on my phone. Is that okay? Should I just do it on my phone? Or should I figure the tech out first? And a bunch of people were like, hey, just do it on your phone, you know? And some people were like, figure out the tech but you know what, I had enough people saying do it, just do it on your phone. And so I just listened to those people. I just went ahead and did it. And so yeah, those will be my those will be my three tips for you. From my you know, entire season of creating podcasts that some wisdom I had to share with you. Hope that hope that that helps you in your own journey. In the future right now, my plate is super full, but I've spoken with a few people personally who really who really want to start their own podcasts and I noticed some obstacles there. So maybe in the future. Once I clear my plate, I might offer a service to support other people. launch their own podcasts. If that's something that would interest you, or something you curious about, let me know, let me know on my Instagram, send me a message so I can keep you in mind for when I roll that service or I or or I will know if I should even do that at all right or make that public at all. Anyway, so So that's that's that. Now that I've shared some wisdom and some tips from my season one of recording the podcast, I want to let you know a little bit about what you can expect in season two of the amaro podcast. So season one, I've learned a lot of lessons that I can't wait to put into action for season two. In season two, my focus is going to be on drawing from the pool of just wise people I have in my circle, the pool of my network, and people that I know other vision builders, other dream builders who are doing incredible things, I would like to bring them into this space, I'd like to have conversations starting in season two, with other vision builders, and just really focusing on specifically insecurities, fears and obstacles that they have overcome in their personal lives on the journey of building dreams that they have manifested into the world. I'm really excited about this, because I am blessed with some incredible people. And I think we can learn so much from other people that can shorten the learning curve for ourselves. As we build our own dreams, I cannot wait for you to just learn from this people. And something I want to ask as I prepare to, to to unfold and reveal some of the amazing interviews I've been able to record for season two is I would like to ask you, are there specific dreams within specific industries that you would like to that you would like to to learn from like, Are there let's say, I don't know, it could be the fashion industry, or I'm just giving you examples, right? Are there specific dreams you have that are linked to specific industries, where you would be so grateful if I brought thought leaders on those thought leaders from those industries into this podcast space, please let me know. message me on my instagram, send me a DM let me know if there's specific types of thought leaders and vision builders that you would like to learn from. And that way I can kind of look, look through my network and see if I have appropriate people or I can seek them out. So I really want this to be a value to you. I really want this podcast to be a space that you come to a space that you're inspired, equipped, motivated and challenged and just that you receive everything you need and all the support you need from this podcast, to be able to walk out your calling and build the vision and dreams on your heart. Okay, if this is this is what you're all about. Please don't forget to subscribe and follow this podcast wherever you're listening to it on please follow subscribe rate review, it means so much more to me than you realize when you do that. And for all of those who have already reviewed and and and and rated this podcast I just want to appreciate you and just love on you extra thank you so much for your support. I can't wait to just keep delivering value for you here. Until the next one until Season Two. See you next week on the amaro podcast with all of my heart Amaru Küng.