The Amaru Podcast

Ep.#33: Uncovering Your Personal Happiness Thieves: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Amaru Küng Season 3 Episode 33

What's stealing  *your* happiness?

Today, we'll tackle those sneaky thieves of happiness that might be lurking in the shadows of your life. We're all unique, and what brings joy to one person may be different for another. Our backgrounds, stories, personality types, and values shape our sources of happiness. As I share my experiences and struggles, I invite you to reflect on your life - are there elements silently sapping away your happiness?

Your journey to true happiness begins with understanding yourself - your needs, desires, preferences, hopes, and dreams. It's about exploring what refuels you when you're running dry and discovering what depletes your energy.

This episode isn't about making others happy, it’s about uncovering what sparks joy for YOU.

 Listen in, pick up your journal, and let's embark on this enlightening journey of self-discovery together. Be prepared to challenge yourself, understand what makes you tick, and discover what truly brings you joy.

If you'd like extra support on this, Order your copy of The Self Discovery Journal here!

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Speaker 1:

My name is AMA to the RU. Welcome back to the Amaru podcast. Happiness, happiness, happiness, happiness. Yeah. So in season three we are talking about happiness and over the last couple of episodes I have been talking about thieves of joy, things that up until this point, have stolen happiness from my life, and I've been sharing this with the hope that you can get some tips and reflect and see are any of those things also stealing joy from your life? And, if so, I hope that you can make those changes. You know this podcast is all about supporting you get past all of your obstacles, those fears, those insecurities, those limiting beliefs that are currently standing in the way of where you are right now and where you know, deep inside your heart, you are called to be.

Speaker 1:

And a realization for me is that I realize I'm called to be happy. That's something that's really important to me is I want to be happy even on the journey of building the life of my dreams and, as I've been doing this exploration through these episodes and also in my personal life, something that I that has just become really clear to me is that for us to be truly happy, for me to be truly, deeply, genuinely happy, I actually need to have an understanding of myself, because something that I'm realizing very quickly is that happy looks very, very different For everyone. We're such unique beings and naturally what we're gonna find as a source of joy and happiness is gonna be very, very different and the things that are gonna bring us happiness and bring us joy and Inspiration and just add to our lives are gonna look very, very different depending on who we are, what our backgrounds are, what our stories are, what our personality types are, where we come from. You know how that influenced us, what we want to be, who we want to. You know who we want to become, the life we want to create, the values that we have. And so Over the last couple of months, as I have been exploring this and and I've actually created the self-discovery journal to support people exactly on this journey of just getting a little closer to themselves, as I've been, you know, creating this and doing research on the top prompts on self-discovery Something I realized that this totally applies to happiness is that one sure thief of our happiness is If we are not actually connected to or aware of what our personal needs, desires, preferences, hopes and dreams truly are One sure way to just never be happy and Truly at peace with ourselves is if we never actually take the time to understand what is it that brings us joy?

Speaker 1:

Like what is it about us? You know like who are we? What do we actually like? What do we not like? What fills our cups when we're feeling empty? What refuels us when we're feeling dry, when we're, when we're running on empty? Like what refuels us, what reignites our fire, what inspires us? Because once we know those things, then we can actually more proactively seek more of those things, create more scenarios and more spaces in our lives where we can experience more joy, where our cups can be refilled some more.

Speaker 1:

And, on the flip side, as we get clearer on the things that take away our energy, the things that deplete our resources, the things that leave us feeling not so great about ourselves, the things that just really take so much more from us than than they pour back in. Once we know those things, then we can actually be more proactive about Avoiding those things. You know, if it's, if it's tasks, if it's you know parts of our lives, then outsourcing certain things when it's possible and if it's not possible right now, creating a plan For that to become possible. And so I just that's something I really want to challenge you in today's episode is how well do you know yourself? How much time have you taken to just really dive deep into understanding what makes you tick, what makes you stop, what shatters you, what makes you shrink? In what spaces do you just diminish and shrink and hide and and feel unworthy and and feel less than you know? What places dim your life light, what people, what kinds of people? And just to become more conscious about those things.

Speaker 1:

Because, just like one of my favorite things in the world, gelato, you know, just like gelato, when placed out in the Sun, you know, for hours it's just gonna melt and not be tasty anymore. It's gonna melt and become this liquid that often just tastes too sweet and doesn't really have, you know, the same appeal. That cold gelato, frozen fresh out of fresh out of the, out of the freezer, you know that has a different taste to it. And and so you, if Gelato thinks it's a cup of hot chocolate, then yeah, I don't know about that. It's just not going to be the same experience. Because what hot chocolate needs to be its best to just thrive, to be its tastiest, for us to be able to appreciate it the most is that it needs to be hot. It needs to be hot and warm, and that's how we can best appreciate that flavor. And what milkshakes and Gelato need is they need to be cold, they need to be frozen, you know, and so that's important. That's something I want to share with you.

Speaker 1:

So, happiness today? It's super simple Get clear on who you are. Get clear on what brings you joy, what makes you happy. Not what you think is going to make your partner happy. Not what you think is going to make your parents or your relatives or your guardians happy. Not what you think is going to make your boss happy, or society or your followers, or insert, you know, just some other force, some other being. Let's just put them to the shelf. Put them on the shelf, let's put them to the side just for a second and just tune in inward. What brings you joy.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I really hope that today's episode got you thinking, and that's something I really want to encourage you to not just listen to me, talk about, but journal, write about it, write about it and, you know, just scribble somewhere, start to reflect, have a mini date with yourself and just take some notes, explore and, if you would like a more guided journey and more guided support on this exploration of self, of getting more intimate with yourself and understanding yourself better.

Speaker 1:

I have created the self-discovery journal, which is this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work of art that I made with so much love, and it's currently only available. The print version is only available in Switzerland at the moment, but if you would love to have a copy, I have linked it in the bio and you are welcome to order a copy of the self-discovery journal, and if you would like a copy but you live outside of Switzerland and then nearby countries, then I'm going to, you know. Just drop me a message, I'll put you on a wait list and just let me know where you're located, and I will be happy to let you know as soon as there's a solution available for you too. Hey, if this episode spoke to you, I would love to hear back from you over at Amario Kung, over on my Instagram, or message me on LinkedIn. That's a space I'm exploring a bit more right now, so check me out there. Send me a message. I would love to be in touch with you. Hey, until next time, with all of my heart, amarokung.

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