The Amaru Podcast
Are unspoken insecurities, fear and self-doubt holding you back from living your best life? Are you ready to cut the crap and get 100% honest with yourself? Will you dare to have the tough, vulnerable and uncomfortable conversations about what's really stopping you from being the person you know you're called to be? This podcast by Zürich based Ugandan first-time-mama, Award-winning Performing Artist & Ex- Scaredy Cat -turned- Confidence Coach, Amaru Küng will give you the kick in the pants, hand holding and courage you need to build the life of your dreams!
The Amaru Podcast
Ep#13: Gems From My Social Media Break & Welcome to Season Two!
Wanna know what things pre-baby Amaru did that post-baby Amaru won’t be doing anymore?
And no, it’s not sex 😋😂!
Hey my sweet loves! I missed you so much & I’m excited to be back!! In this season 2 welcome, I I share 2 BIG LIGHTBULBS from my social media break.
These are reflections leading up to & following my sonshine’s birthday.
Let me know what you think on Instagram 😉
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My name is A M A to the R U, I know I took a break but now I'm back again Aaaaa what, what, what.... I was so cool, right? Hey, Sunshine is here and his yay. Welcome to Season Two, my loves we're back hey, I'm back. I'm really excited to be back. So I took a social media break. If you've been following me on Instagram, you know that it was a very spontaneous decision that I decided to take a break. So between last episode and this episode, I took some time away to just kind of refresh myself reflect, upgrade. So this is version, I don't know 30.0 That you're listening to right now. I'm really, I'm really, really big on just personal development. And yeah, just growing growth is so important to me. And so I took some time off to just kind of have some quiet and, and reflect assess the last couple of months, my son turned one on 10th of June. And that was huge. For me, I was super emotional. It's just crazy to think about how the time flies by. And so it was really nice to kind of take a break just before then. So I took a break right around the beginning of June, the week before my son's birthday. And that was really great for me, because it just allowed me to be able to just be present and be around and just soak in what has been the last year of my life. And it's been so life changing. So life altering, so intense. I've had so many highs, so many lows. And, you know, as I was approaching my son's first birthday, I realized that I could feel a shift, I could feel myself coming into a new season. And I just I wanted to I wanted to honor that. Yeah. So thank you that thank you for waiting, you know, for all of you wonderful people that have that have just stuck around in between the break. And now that I'm back, I would like to share some lessons that I learned during my break. Huh, so just before I went on the break, I hired a V A. So a VA is a virtual assistant. And that's somebody that I hired to support me with my business and the different projects that I'm doing. Now that I'm coming back into the space. Yeah, so now that I'm coming back into the space that I'm ready to start to create more again, I'm ready to reopen the doors of my business as well insert start to start to really work again. To do paid work again is the more is the more accurate thing to say. Because anyone that's been a parent knows that parenting is such crazy thankless work, it's so much hard work. So I have been working my butt off the last couple of months. But it's only around now that I'm getting back into paid work. And as I'm as I'm, as that's been happening, I became aware of just how spread thin I was feeling. You know. So in between, in between in between when I got pregnant, and now I went through just really not having the drive I went through a depression I went through a really dark dark season of my life that births projects that were not part of my life before the pregnancy. So the mamas circle, Mamas in Zurich, and all of the accompanying projects that are around those two communities are new things that did not exist before I had my baby. And also the American podcast as well as even though it was already in my heart and on my mind, and you know, it was already in the making behind the scenes. The months before I got pregnant. It really got birthed after I had my baby. And so now kind of going back into going back into what my life looked like, before the baby is almost impossible because now I have three new things on my plate alongside just alongside a bunch of other things that have come attached to this new projects and other blessings. And so that's something that I became aware of. It took me a long time to care again about anything else. All I cared about was just motherhood. All I cared about was talking to other moms community because that saved my life. The Mamas circle all saved my life. If it wasn't for the mamas circle, I don't know if I would still be here because I really was very, very depressed. Around the time when I birthed the community and that community has given me so much strength has given me so much support through one of the most life altering seasons of my life. And in the course of kind of growing with the community and building it together with a team that I've been blessed to have, I, I, just in the journey of that I just kind of have grown a strong responsibility to the mamas who, who held my hand through one of the darkest seasons of my life, and also all the challenges I've become aware of now, being a mom, and just all the things I get to hear about every day, through the WhatsApp chat community of the mamas circle, for example, or through private conversations, from New New New year, new friends, I have have new friends, internet, mom, friends, but I got to discover again through the mama circle, and some through my Instagram. So there's just been my life looks very differently now than it did before I had a baby. And I think part of this social media break particularly was to kind of stop and unpack that and honor that and kind of simmer a little bit on on just what my life looks like right now how I feel about it, and where I see myself going. So I want to share with you just a few things that I learned that I want to share from just this this break. So one of them is that it's so important. It's so so so important to stop and analyze, what's been working, and what's working right now or not working. So what worked for me, before I had a baby was I could just stay up super late nights, I could work nonstop on a project. So just before I had the baby, I was working on launching an online course, which I ended up not doing due to the pregnancy, if you've read my ebook, you know about, you know about how my health suffered, etc. You know, you know about this story. But if you haven't read it, well, yeah. So basically, I was on the verge of launching an online course and online products for my personal brand coaching business. Before I, my brain started to slow down, and then my passion went with it. And just my ability to function in many ways, just left, left with that. And so before, before, before I had before, before all of that happened, I was basically able to add had a routine. So I had a very clear sense of what my weeks look like Tuesdays and Thursdays were for emails. And I basically worked nonstop in the gaps in between I yeah, I could tell you, I have to think a bit more to remember the specifics of what my life looked like. But basically back then I could just power through, I could work nonstop if I needed to, through the days through the night. I mean, I've slept at some point. But I could kind of go into overdrive at night. And I could, I built my own course websites, I tried different. I built my own websites, I did so many things by myself. Before I had a baby, I learned a lot of things and I could just learn the thing and do it right after having a baby after having a baby, I just am spread so thin. So right now I'm in the I'm in the course of of developing an app that will be coming out God really next month, and it's an app for the mamas in Zurich community, which is basically I'll tell you a bit more about it. But so it's an app I'm creating for mamas in Zurich, and me before the pregnancy would have just built it myself. And there's amazing no code tools that you could use. But me after the baby just has way too many more important things going on that sitting down to take time to learn how to build an app for myself is just time that I took that's way too precious, and time that I actually don't have in between taking care of my son in between learning German I'm taking classes right now for learning German in between just trying to stay sane amidst the very very very demanding job that mothering is in between trying to just keep my relationship thriving trying to keep time from from my lovely husband and just like Gosh, relationships change after you have a baby but in between just trying to keep time to be able to reconnect and still stay in love and and just you know have moments for ourselves, let alone I mean, that's let alone time for myself to stay sane and not like go crazy or burnout. I just I can't do it anymore. And I think that's something I did it. I think from the outside looking in it might seem super obvious maybe like yeah, da tomorrow. You can't just like have a baby and stuff. they'll be able to do everything I used to before. I can't just say I'm going to work off of the day and finish this project and finish this deadline. I have so many interruptions, there's days when my son, all he wants to do is just sit on my boob and be with me. And there's days when all he wants to do is not sit on my boob and be with me. Instead, he wants to like, go in and, and go into the bathroom, go into the office, pull cables, and just do everything that I would rather He not to. And basically, if I stop him, he starts crying. So I have to like go after him. And there's days when all he wants to do is be outside. So I can't take my laptop with me. So I can't work on those things. And so there's my life looks like so there's so many other variables now in my life, that the pre the pre baby amaro who would have just been like, What do you mean like an app? Wait, there's no code. Amazing. Let's let's figure out this. Let's, let's take the next couple of days nonstop, dragging, dropping, watching tutorials figuring things out that Amara just she can't function and thrive in the season because because the Amara of the season, forgot to have lunch. And now her baby needs to eat. And so she needs to cook for her baby. And she is behind on her German homework, which is like due tomorrow. And she now got a gig to perform, and needs to schedule a rehearsal at a time when her husband can have the baby or her mother in law can have the baby so she can rehearse. Or like, gosh, there's so many different things going on with it tomorrow, post baby, that the Amara pre baby didn't have to think about pre baby, I would just be like, oh, I need to do this. And I really just had to check with my husband. If even you know, like, if there was just a check, if we did we already have plans to not have plans. Awesome, then I just plan what I need to do. Now I have to check, where's the baby gonna be? Or the question is so many other variables. And so it seems super obvious. But the lesson that kind of sunk in a bit more, more during this break was that I have changed, my life has changed. And therefore my strategy and my tactics and the way I approach my life and my business needs to change. And so, yeah, I just want to share that with you. I don't know what season you're in, or if you've gone through any life changes, but I think it's super important. Ever so often to stop and assess like, especially if we're, if we're adamant about like growing and developing personally, I think it's so important to be able to stop and be like, Okay, so the thing I'm doing now, is this still is this like last season? Or is this still current and functional and wise and the way to go right now, you know that song by Black Eyed Peas, like you're so 2000 and late. Um, so 2008 gonna get that boom, boom, pow, basically, like, are you 2000 And late? Or are you 2008? So yeah, I just want to challenge you to reflect on that. So that's one lesson. The second one, I just like to share two tips normally. So the second one for that I want to share with you today that's a lesson that's come from ha this time away is that it's a bit links to the first one actually. It's okay to stop. It's okay to stop. And this is a really, really hard one for me to even say an admit because my impulse is the complete opposite. So in high school, I used to be a sprinter. And that means like 100 meter races, you're I was fast. And that is my jam. I talk fast. I move fast. I just love the thrill of like, work going, you know, I love the thrill of motion. And I tend to just want to like, do so many things. I get a thrill from juggling multiple things like and then I love the feeling of like I'm ahead I'm competitive in that way. I'm super competitive. I realize this in that way. I'm super competitive and I just love the feeling that I am ahead. And so stopping is kind of diff stopping does not does not really serve those the those things right to stopping typically means that I feel like I'm being left behind. Stopping feels like I feel like I'm losing time. Stopping feels like I'm going too slow. But I have to tell you and that's why these pauses that now I have have now decided I will take a pause every quarter. So I will take up I will take three months off in a year. Is that true? Four months off, I forget my math. I just I remember going through this but now I forgot again. So I decided that in the first quarter of the year, I will take one month off social media. The next quarter of the year. I'll take another look basically before the start of any quarter. I will always take a one month social media break. That's a decision I've made Eat. And I love this decision. Until Until I discover a way that works better, I will update you. But for now, I've decided that I think that's the way to go is just have that month to force myself to stop. And when I say Tip number two is it's important to stop is that I see so much more, so much more clearly, after stopping. There's something about motion. It's amazing like that sprint. But also, if we're just constantly going, it's so easy to leave things behind, it's so easy to forget what's really important. And I have to tell you, during this pause and leading up to like deciding to pause, I realized that I had been going about certain things completely wrong. One one, for example, is that I was under this pressure in my mind of trying to strategize and generate enough revenue, to have somebody else take care of our son as much as possible or to have somebody. Basically, I was looking at it all wrong. I was thinking, how can I get as much time as possible away from my son? So I can how can I make enough money so I can get as much time away from my son so I can work? That was my thinking. And somehow in pausing, I realized, oh, wait a minute, that's so twisted. Why do I want a lot of time away from my son, it's like, oh, so I can work. Why don't want to love time to work. Also, I can generate wealth. Okay, so it's it's twofold. One again, because the work I'm choosing is work that I'm so deeply passionate about it so I can accomplish what I feel my purpose is on this world, which is like through my work. So it's like living so I can live out my purpose, and get the fulfillment that comes from doing that, while generating revenue, which to me, it's so important that the two are the same side of the coin, I want to generate revenue from living out my purpose. And so because then I will just do it with all my hard earned money pays the bills. Amazing. That's the dream. And that's, that's, that's the life I'm going after. That's why I'm an entrepreneur. And so. So basically, it was like, yes, so I can generate revenue. And so I can accomplish my purpose. And I thought, wait a minute, but where does this leave my son in all of this, because even though it's taking me so much longer to really like, grasp this, my son is a big part of my purpose. Now, it wasn't a purpose before that before I had a baby. pre baby Amaru, my baby, I always I called my projects, my music, my songs, I was called it my babies. But now I have an actual baby. And that's my, it's like, my, it's like my most important baby. And then the projects, the things the businesses, the ideas, these are also my children, but like my firstborn, my most my air my most prized possession is my baby sunshine is the baby I have now you know, and, and that's, that's, it seems so obvious. But that's really taking adjusting for me to really have that reality sinking for me, but also have that reality be reflected in my choices, and reflected in the way I structure my life. And so stopping really has been so was so helpful for me. And it's an ongoing, it's not like a done. It's not like a done and like it's not like a do and done thing. It's still work in progress. But it really helped me assess a little bit. Again, going back to the first thing of like, what are things that worked before that just won't work for where I'm at right now and where I'm going. And one of them is like, I need to swap my lens a little bit like what is the most important thing and build around it? And that feeds into why I decided to hire a VA. And, you know, and that's a decision I made just before I took the break. But I think the break helped me really solidified that concept of how much of my work can I how much of my work can I subcontract, how many systems can I build within my work to allow me more time to spend with what's most important. And so that's kind of the energy I'm I'm moving forward with. And I just, I hope that those lessons can also speak to you, in whatever season you're in, I hope that you can kind of get some gems from that. Anyways. So that's my little two cents for my social media break. And yeah, and now, back back on track with the plan, the promise, which is in season two, I'm really excited to start to share and introduce you to some people in my life and share lessons from their own life and just encouragement, inspiration, support for you on how to get past your insecurities in pursuing the dreams in your heart. And I really want to to involve some people because I Gosh, I'm so blessed with such an incredible circle of friends and chosen family that have so much to share and I can't wait to kind of bring those. Bring those conversations to you on this podcast. So you can get to learn from the people that I'm close with and get you know, yeah, listening on some The conversations. Hey, until the next episode with all of my heart, Amaru Küng