The Amaru Podcast

Ep #17: My Plans, Priorities & Prayers for August

Amaru Küng Season 2 Episode 17

Are you a planner? Do you map out points of focus for your months and seasons of your life?

In this week’s episode, recorded up in the mountains, I share unedited reflections and a bit of my plans and priorities for the month of August.

I hope that this episode can inspire you to reflect on what you intend to accomplish or become over the next weeks of this beautiful new month!

Let me know your plans over on my Instagram! ❤️

With All My Heart,
Amaru Küng 

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Hey, hey, so this week's episode of The Amaru podcast is brought to you from the mountains. That means that I actually so I left my podcasting equipment back in the lowlands. And were away for the weekend. And, and I figured, I mean, why not? My first episode was recorded was actually recorded online, like not online recorded on my phone. And so I am a big advocate for just use what you have and just do it, as opposed to use it as opposed to waiting to have all your ducks aligned or your Yeah, just yeah, just just do it. That's what I believe in. So here are modeling that. Who, so this, this this, this this episode is, is Yeah, it's like me getting ready for next, just this next month of my life, which, so it's coming to August next week, actually, tomorrow is first of August. I'm recording this at the time of this recording. So I'm recording this on Sunday. And the next day will be first of August. And I have a lot of anticipation. I'm really, really excited about August. I'm also crazy nervous about it. Because I enrolled in an intensive German course. That's starting on Wednesday. On Tuesday, I'm doing a film shoot and then Wednesday, I start with this intensive German course I'll be taking one on one classes with a school that's anyways, the school promises amazing things. It's a bit on the pricier side, but then they have this unique setup where you can finish a level in a month in their super intensive course. So that's what I signed up for. And I'm excited about also nervous, I'm hoping that I'm able to actually accomplish that goal, because that would be huge for me. In the background, you can hear the church bells. That's a thing here. Every top of the hour every half hour, maybe even. Yeah, because every so often, the church bell rings to tell you what the time is. So I found I find that really charming somehow. But yeah, that's the thing here. So yeah, so so I'm so I enrolled in this class. And the reason I'm really excited is that not speaking German in like, basically a German speaking part of the country, I feel in many ways, has has has has limited my possibilities. But it's also made me feel a bit insecure. Like I felt insecure in the sense of I can't really express myself completely, verbally in words, I can't really defend myself. And this has just been limits to how much I can express and defend myself over the past two years and about nine months. And so as I'm approaching my third year anniversary of being in Switzerland, in October, it will be three years, it's just this thing on my mind where I just want to get to the B level, I want to finish B to level. And just to give you a bit of context. So it starts with a one, a two b one, b two, and then C one and c two is native speaker level. So I'm right now at the b1 level. And I will be enrolling in a b two course. So just two steps away from being a native speaker. And it's so exciting. It's so nerve nerve wracking. But it just feels right. I know that this is what I need to be doing right now. And I'm excited about the version of me, that stands on the other side of August, the version of me that will have gone through B two course, B to German course. Courses. I'm curious. I'm curious is that? Has the language really been as big of an obstacle as I feel like it has been or not? No, I will find out on the other side. But I just don't want the language to be an excuse for me anymore to be a thing that that I feel is really standing in the way. So yeah, I'm excited. I'm nervous. Yeah, I'm excited. And I'm nervous about it. And I'm really looking forward to. I'm just looking forward to to being done with this. And the other thing about August that I'm nervous about is that so I think in August that will be is that true? I think? Well. So roundabout. So I think I found that I was pregnant around September, actually. And so around that time. Yeah, I think it was September that I found that I was pregnant. Is that correct? I think so. I think that's around the time I found out I was pregnant. September October, somewhere around there. And I think September and I was planning to release an online course just around that time exactly two or around two years ago. And I've been feeling as I'm, as I'm planning this year and and kind of strategizing for how to make the most of the months, I've been feeling that I need to, yeah, but I need to release that course the course I'd created. Yeah, almost two years ago, the course I really felt strongly I needed to release. I, I've been feeling that in September, I should, I should launch that course. And I have to tell you that so scary for me somehow, but also exciting. It's exciting to think if I actually do it, I think I'm going to feel that's going to be a huge deal for me, if I if I released this course, in September, if I launched this course in September, open ticket sales, and just like, yeah, that's gonna be huge. For me, that's going to be I would have overcome, I would have accomplished something that I put so much energy focus education, I invested so much in learning how to do this, about two years ago, and so much energy and thoughts and reflection around like, which course to start with and, and how to offer value without course. And I just put so much effort into creating, and preparing and planning for this, that if I actually do it, oh my God, that's gonna be huge for me. And so if you know me, if you know me, you probably know that I'm going to, I'm going to put my best foot forward to just get this done to just get started to launch that first course. And and see what happens. So. So I'm excited about it. Um, that's something that's on my mind. And then the other thing like a third goal for the month of of August is I don't know if this needs to be a priority, but it's something I started in July, but I thought would have been done in July, but it didn't. But it Yeah, it didn't get done. Or I didn't reach that milestone yet as I started to, to, to, to to create an app for for one of my mama's communities. And yeah, so in collaboration with an app developer. And the first version is supposed to be a web app, because I'm using because we're using a no code tool. And it's taken a bit longer to get like the UI UX rights and just get it even looking. Yeah, it's the functionality. This, I think I just want to launch this in August. I wonder if it's too much to try and do in August, but I think I would like that to already be in August and just get people to start using it and find out what's working, what's not working. And yeah, so that's it. That's, that's the three major goals that are, yeah, those are the three major goals I have for the month of August. And I yeah, there are my plans, I've shared them with you. I'm curious about you what your plans are. And if that's something that you do, like do you plan for a month before you go in, and if not, I just want to encourage you to, I found it to be really helpful, from helpful with being able to just I found it to be helpful, like when I have a plan like that it's it helps me prioritize, it helps me to be able to say no to things that don't, that I know will take away from accomplishing those goals. And that's something that that has been very helpful for me because I'm somebody that is multi passionate, I have a lot of different passions. And I get, I get excited about a lot of different things. And so to keep myself focused and to keep myself making the progress and and working towards impacts that really fulfills me and is in line with my calling. It helps when I structure my life like that. So these are my my three big things. If I was to pick absolutely just one thing, it would be to prioritize just getting past the B to finish in my B to German. But if there's room for bonuses, then you already know what those two bonuses are. I think the second one is a big one. The course if that doesn't happen in August, it definitely will take priority for September. Weakness, that's something I want to do in September. And so in August, I want to prep, I basically want to revisit the course content I created and make the changes if I need to make any changes and just get ready to be able to launch in September. And so yeah, that's those are the those are the plans. Those are the plans and I'm excited, I'm nervous, and nervous, all the fears come creeping in. And I will share all of these fears with you and how I'm navigating them in the next episode. But I hope this inspires you to to review what your plans are, what would what would what would what would fulfill you to have accomplished at the end of August and that doesn't have to be like a thing you do it can also be a thing that you become. So are you doing to focus on becoming more patient in August, for example, or you're going to focus on becoming more generous or more kinder, more loving or more whatever it is insert, you know so I think I think it's just Time is precious. We're not guaranteed tomorrow. And I think in honor of that, it's nice to to be a bit more intentional about how we spend our time. And so yeah, those those are, those are my plans. I wish you a beautiful beautiful August as it comes up. I'm gonna say a prayer because so I'm sitting on this, I'm sitting on this stall, or this reclining chair somewhere in the garden. I'm facing the mountains right now my eyes are closed. And as I'm planning for the next month, I'm also aware of that, as a believer, I'm aware that you know, we have our plans. But sometimes God has other plans for our lives. And I just want to pray that my my plans are in line with, with with with the grander vision and God's plan for my life as well. And so I want to pray with you and pray with myself as well, if you will, to God, I just I want to thank you so much for high, thank you so much for my life. Thank you so much for the lives of my listeners, thank you, thank you for where we are right now, thank you, thank you for the blessing the gift of our bodies of our minds of our ideas, of our strengths of our weaknesses, of just our unique personalities, and all of the things that that that we have the hardware, I would say that we that we've been gifted with, I just bless you, I thank you so much for the gifts you've given us. I thank you also for the plant, I think you Well, I think you also fall for the for the dreams, the plans, the purpose, the purpose of all of this, the purpose of our gifts, the purpose of our lives, I thank you for that, I thank you for the unique calling that you have upon each each, each and every single one of us and our lives. And I just pray that you will give us clarity on how to go about how to go about accomplishing our purposes on this on this life. Given the time that we have here. I just pray for your divine wisdom, your divine guidance on this podcast, I really want to encourage my listeners to get past their insecurities, their fears, those obstacles that get in between getting the way of them, stepping up and answering the call of their lives like stepping up and living, living the purposes like for which they were put on this earth for which you put us here for which you gave us this life. I just I pray that I pray that beyond getting past our insecurities and fears that you will give us guidance, you know, the guidance that can only come from the designer, the designer of our lives, I pray that you give us wisdom and guidance on how to go about the specifics of our lives in a way that only you can. And yeah, I ask all of this in your name. Thank you, God, thank you so much. Thank you for Thank you for today. Thank you for just thank you for this opportunity to create and to share and to Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much. In Jesus name. Amen. Yeah, that's my prayer. That's my prayer. That's my prayer for you guys. That's my prayer for myself. Give me wisdom God and give me favor as well. Give me favor, give me guidance, and give my listeners favor and guidance and give them give them divine helpers to guide them on this journey guide them. Yeah, just just give them give them Yeah, may help arise where they need it the most. Yeah. That's my prayer. That's my prayer. Hey, it was really nice to share with you. I think of this podcast episodes a little bit like like voice notes, you know, just private conversations that we have. And I wish you a beautiful beautiful week. And if you're listening if you've listened this far, it's my thank you so much for for your support. And I I want to hear from you. I really I want this to be a conversation so send me a message on my Instagram. Let me know what you listened to let me know what spoke to you. Let me know what more you'd like to hear me talk about here. Let me know what what what would be of more value to you with his podcasts with this podcast episodes and how it can how it could really support you. Yeah, hey, until next time, with all of my heart, Amaru Küng.

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